Purchases are shipped from our respective warehouse by reputed logistics service providers. Please allow following number of days for delivery from receipt of your order.
It is also noted that the delivery of your order may also be delayed, in case your location is not covered under the jurisdiction of our courier services.
If the address provided by you at the time of placing the order is insufficient or incorrect then the order will be taken by you with making the proper co-ordination with the delivery personnel/ delivery partner, if they are calling on your provided contact number.
It is also noted that delivery attempt shall be for at least two times, if in case you are not available at your delivery location/ your address is improper/ your provided phone number is not working at the time of attempting delivery. Your order will be marked as RTO (Return to Origin).
Once your placed order marked as RTO and such order has been received by us then your refund will be initiated as per refund policy.
Once your placed order marked as RTO then it will never take re-delivery at your location, if you still want to purchase the article/goods then place the fresh order on the platform.
No early delivery is available in current scenario.
Returns and Refunds
At Futurefit Wellness and M/s Intuition Herbals India, we strive to give you the very best shopping experience possible. However, considering that opened or damaged products cannot be reused, we cannot accept exchange or return of opened or used products once sold or delivered.
In case of damage or quality issue with the product, we can only exchange the product if reported within the specified timeline as mentioned below:
Worldwide Copyright © Futurefit Wellness (brand owner M/s Intuition Herbals India). All worldwide rights reserved